Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The Start of Something New!

All my life I have always watched Miss America and always wondered, "what if I could do that?" Well over a year ago, I was asked by a close friend to be a hostess for her daughter who was going to be in her 3rd pageant. I knew nothing about being a hostess and let alone anything about Pageants. So I said Yes, just to see what actually goes on behind stage at these things. I attended every single practice possible, helped her with her talent, and well did everything I was suppose to do. Well, to make a long story short, the Little Girl was Crowned. That was my greatest accomplishment in a long time! During my experience through all of this, has given me a better idea of what Pageants are like. I even wanted to enter into a couple since then but with College getting in the way it is rather hard to do so. However this summer I entered myself into a county fair Pageant. So this where my journey begins!

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